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家庭护理 NDIS

NDIS Provider


NDIS 服务提供商


什么是 NDIS?





残疾不会限制一些人在公司中成功获得职位,NDIS 支持可以帮助保持这种就业并首先找到它。


NDIS 批准的服务提供商,如家庭护理,可以确保您在社区中保持联系,包括行为支持和日常生活的治疗支持。


NDIS 认证的提供商,如家庭关怀,可以为客户提供社区教育方案的链接


在 NDIS 的支持下,个人可以获得他们每天在家中获得支持的帮助。



家庭关怀一直参与为那些需要NDIS计划的人提供出色的护理,我们根据NDIS计划注册为服务的提供者。您可以与我们的专业经理交谈,我们可以与您讨论您是否有资格获得 NDIS 支持。如果您是,我们很乐意与您合作,为您所爱的人制定护理计划,并与您讨论如何提供您所需的支持。

我们引以为豪的是,我们能够了解残疾人的具体需求,这就是为什么我们被列入NDIS服务提供商名单的原因。如果您需要访问 NDIS 的帮助,则需要与家庭关怀的指定支持人员交谈。我们希望协助您和您的亲人就您需要的护理支持做出明智的决定。


需要满足特定标准,才有资格与 NDIS 提供商一起享受 NDIS 计划。标准包括:

  • 你所爱的人必须不到65岁
  • 你所爱的人必须是:
    • 澳大利亚公民,或;
    • 永久居民,或
    • 新西兰公民是受保护的特殊类别签证持有人
  • 有严重或永久性残疾需要他人协助、特殊设备或技术的人。

在家庭护理,我们很自豪能够提供NDIS残疾护理。如果您对您的亲人是否有资格获得 NDIS 提供商支持有任何疑问,给我们打个电话可以大大改变您所爱的人所接受的关怀的未来。


2013年《国家残疾保险计划法》制定了《残疾人保障法》,它改变了生活,回应了需要专门残疾护理的人的需要。重点是社区支持、教育和快乐的日常生活。以前还制定了其他护理方案,作为个别计划,这些方案共同创造了一个新的机会,使所有需要都能在一个地方得到满足。这意味着 NDIS 认可的服务提供商(如家庭关怀)可以提供高于所有其他服务。

NDIS 的八个域


NDIS 会考虑您所爱的人可以承担支持或获得家务支持的方式,以及尽可能安全地维护家庭。








成就来自有地方感到需要,而兼职工作可以导致这种情况。NDIS 护理提供者努力帮助 NDIS 计划的参与者获得并长期维持就业。


个人关系和关系至关重要,此 NDIS 支持可帮助支持这些连接。对于那些没有朋友圈或没有任何家人的人也有帮助。




以人为中心的护理计划允许控制如何提供护理,这种 NDIS 支持使参与者能够对他们想要参与的支持拥有自主权。


NDIS 计划管理提供商最突出的一件事是,您可以获得完全个人化且适合您所爱之人需要的护理计划。您希望参与的所选支持完全取决于您和您的爱人,通过个性化计划实施您的支持。当您确定您的 NDIS 融资资格时,我们的经理会与您坐下来,与您讨论申请流程。


个性化的 NDIS 计划不仅基于当今的需求,还基于您对未来的愿望和目标。涵盖实际和情感支持需求,并与您的 NDIS 批准的提供商进行正确的协商,如果您愿意,您还有机会调整您的个性化计划。



  • 所提供的支持必须与参与者的残疾有关
  • 供资不包括与残疾支助需求无关的费用
  • 支持必须是物有所值
  • 只有在参与者受益的情况下,才能提供支持
  • NDIS 的支持必须考虑亲人的家庭、家庭照顾者、社区和他们更广泛的网络所提供的支持。



  • 为您提供有关更新的国家残疾保险计划的任何信息
  • 为您提供一个单独的 NDIS 规划师,与您一起满足您所爱的人的需求
  • 协助您和您的亲人做出关于个人目标和需要的决定
  • 引导您完成 NDIS 的申请流程
  • 亲自连接每个服务
  • 如果您的情况发生变化,请更改您的 NDIS 计划
  • 监控你所爱的人的照顾


家庭护理部根据已实施的计划向国家残疾保险计划的参与者提供支助。我们可以与个人合作,提供一系列必要的支持,帮助他们的日常生活。作为注册的 NDIS 提供商,我们了解每个参与者的需求各不相同。如果您所爱的人有残疾,并且您满足 NDIS 计划的所有要求,您可以成为参与者。这将使您能够完成个性化的规划流程,这将有助于我们与您合作,并确定您独立生活所需的支持。您将能够与我们的专业案例经理密切合作,定期评估每个计划,以确保它符合您对未来的期望。


为了确保您在家庭护理获得最好的护理,我们采用广泛的招聘计划和培训计划,这意味着我们只雇用最好的员工。我们的护理人员可满足您的独特需求,使我们能够以最佳方式支持您和您的家人。作为当地的护理提供者,如果您需要比您目前得到的更多支持或帮助,我们并不遥远。我们提供的所有护理都是以人为中心的,旨在准确了解您需要什么以及何时需要。作为 NDIS 护理提供者,我们的计划经过精心编写,以满足您的需求。



  • 国内援助
  • 暂缓护理
  • 个人护理
  • 社区访问
  • 护理支持
  • 专业护理支持


NDIS Provider Sydney

Home Caring provides quality NDIS supports that help people with disability live independently in Sydney. Our services are personalised to your needs, and include personal care, help with daily activities, life skills training, transport, nursing care, respite, allied health therapies and more.

NDIS Provider Melbourne

Need NDIS support in Melbourne’s suburbs? We deliver culturally sensitive disability support, so you can live independently in the community. We’ll help you with everyday life, and help you keep doing the things that matter to you. With our support, you’ll develop the skills you need to reach your personal goals.

NDIS Provider Brisbane

Home Caring provides a wide range of NDIS supports in Brisbane’s suburbs, from personal care to life skills training, transport, home modifications, assistance with mobility and more. We’ll work with you to create a plan that best meets your needs, so you can receive supports that truly make a difference to your life.

NDIS Provider Perth

Home Caring provides personalised NDIS services to people living with disability in Perth. We’ll spend time getting to know you and understanding your circumstances, then work with you to deliver supports that help you live a full and meaningful life.

NDIS Provider Adelaide

As a NDIS Provider in Adelaide, Home Caring provides quality support from trained and experienced staff who truly care about the people they work with. We’ll match you with a support worker who is best suited to your needs, and work with you to deliver services in the best possible way.

NDIS Provider Canberra

We offer NDIS disability care that caters to a diverse range of conditions, allowing you to maintain your independence while living within the community. Our Canberra-based team is here to support you in your daily activities, so you can maintain your wellbeing and pursue the things that matter in life.

NDIS Provider Gold Coast

We provide exceptional NDIS supports that help people with disability thrive on the Gold Coast. Our services are personalised to your needs and include things like helping with daily tasks, teaching important life skills, transportation, nursing care, therapies, and mobility equipment. We are dedicated to delivering excellent care and support to ensure your wellbeing and independence.

NDIS Provider Newcastle

As a NDIS provider in Newcastle, we take pride in delivering exceptional care to people living with disability. We understand the unique needs of each person, and tailor our services accordingly. Our team of compassionate and skilled professionals is dedicated to supporting you in every aspect of life. We look forward to meeting you!

NDIS Provider Sunshine Coast

From personal care to therapy sessions, home modifications, and assistance with daily activities, Home Caring goes above and beyond to support people on the Sunshine Coast who are living with disability. With our commitment to quality care and personalised attention, we are here to make a positive difference in your life.

NDIS Provider Central Coast

Home Caring offers various NDIS supports on the Central Coast, from personal care and help with the housework, to mobility equipment and therapies. We provide care for people with disability of all ages, carefully matching each client to the right support worker for their unique needs.


The NDIS provides funding for a range of supports that are related to your disability.Depending on your individual plan and what you are eligible for, you may be able to receive funding for:personal care, assistance with daily life, transport for participation in different activities, employment and workplace help, therapies (e.g. behaviour support), domestic chores, equipment you need (e.g. a specialised bed or mobility equipment), things you need to use frequently because of a disability, vehicle modification and community participation.
To be eligible for the NDIS, you must be:
  • under 65 years old
  • an Australian citizen, resident or permanent visa holder
  • in need of support orspecial equipment because of a permanent and significant disability
The NDIS aims to understand a person’s goals, then provide funding so they can access the support they need to achieve those goals. It is based around each person’s individual plan, which means that the amount of funding you receive is dependent on the kinds of support you are eligible for.
The NDIS works with a set price guide, so you can look at the NDIS Price Guide for 2019-20 and the Support Catalogue for 2019-20 for more information. If you would like help putting together your own NDIS plan, please get in touch for a free consultation.
If you started receiving NDIS funding before you turned 65, you can continue to receive funding as an NDIS participant or change and receive Aged Care support instead.
If you are over 65 and aren’t on the NDIS, you are not eligible to access NDIS funding. You may still receive support through the Aged Care system.
Navigating the NDIS involves dealing with a large amount of information. A support coordinator can help you understand your plan better, make informed decisions and implement the supports in your plan. They can also negotiate with providers about what they will offer you and how much it will cost from your funding, make sure service agreements are in place, and help you stay on top of your bookings. They also help you prepare for your plan review.
Here’s some advice on how to find a support coordinator that’s right for you. HomeCaring also provides NDIS support coordinator services. If you need one, please get in touch (and you can meet one of our supportcoordinators on our blog).
Applying for an NDIS plan generally involves preparing for a planning meeting, meeting with an NDIS or Local Area Coordinator to discuss the goals you want to achieve, getting approval from the NDIA and completing a review. We can support you through this process – please get in touch for more information.
The NDIS doesn’t provide housing, but gives you funding to access accommodation that suits your needs if you are living with a disability.
If you are eligible, the NDIS funds the cost of your housing by making payments to a registered disability housing provider. This could be for short-term accommodation (STA), medium-term accommodation (MTA) or specialist disability accommodation (SDA). The NDIS can also fund modifications to make your home more accessible.
The NDIS is separate from the Disability Support Pension. If you receive the Disability Support Pension from Centrelink, you can also receive funding from the NDIS. The same goes for Carers Payment: an income support payment given by the government. It is not affected if your loved one is also eligible for the NDIS.
Based on 165 reviews
Based on 165 reviews



