Name: Sabina Bhujel
Title: Director
Name: Sabina Bhujel
Title: Director
Mobile: 0428 784 008
Home Caring Revesby provides exceptional home care to seniors and people living with disability. We put you first, respect your dignity, and providing services that improves your quality of life.
Home Caring Revesby is led by Sabina Bhujel, a Registered Nurse who is highly experienced in aged care. As a director of Nursing in Residential Aged Care facilities, Sabina has spent many years leading multidisciplinary teams to provide quality consumer care that meets individual needs. She is passionate about delivering compassionate care in a nurturing and supportive environment that gives consumers greater emotional, social and physical wellbeing.
A provider that truly cares
Ageing well is more than looking after your health. It’s about caring for your whole person: your emotional, social and physical wellbeing so that you can be independent, and enjoy life on your terms. Our team is:
The Home Caring Values
Our four values are:
Passion: we are committed to providing an excellent service to the people we care for. We aren’t just about performing tasks and ticking boxes – we put the person first, going above and beyond to deliver high quality care.
Empathy: we truly care about the people we help. Our carers and wider staff are culturally sensitive, compassionate and understanding. They genuinely listen to your needs.
Respect: we believe everyone in Australia deserves a service that enables them to live independently, with dignity and quality of life. We put the person at the centre of our care.
Accountability: we take our care seriously. Compliance, rigorous screening and quality standards are embedded into everything we do. We work hard to ensure we deliver the quality of care that you signed on for.