Ways I’ve changed my behavior as a client, since working as a support worker
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Ways I’ve changed my behavior as a client, since working as a support worker

Last year I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to become a support worker and provide support for two amazing people. As someone who is an ndis participant themselves, this was a life changing experience for me.

Since my time working as a support worker, I’ve realised that sometimes I can be a difficult client to support. I don’t think it would be fair to paint me as an aggressive client who has outbursts and behaviours that are rampant enough to cause concern; but I do think there’s a lot of ways I can utilise my support workers more effectively.

The dynamic between client and support worker is so complex, and so strange. Much like every pot plant I’ve ever owned, which has quickly deteriorated, so can relationships leaving both parties feeling down on themselves and the client not getting the support they need. At the risk of sounding like my nagging mum, communication is key! There are things that can make the shift-and overall relationship- more productive and more pleasant for both parties.

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Ideally, we need both parties turning up to the shift on the same page working together and striving to achieve the client’s goals.  The clients can absolutely help to make this happen. Though the burden by no means falls completely on us, there are ways we can help facilitate communication to ensure a more productive shift.

No one wants to be seen as a difficult client, who spends the entire shift complaining that they aren’t getting the support they need, at someone who you’ll (hopefully) be spending a good deal of time with. But in my opinion, the worst thing to do is to bottle your grievances, to maintain a good standing with your support worker. This is where its important both parties come together to give feedback calmly and constructively on the shift.  Communication is key!

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