Aged Care Services Gold Coast

Aged Care Services Gold Coast

Aged Care Support Services on the Gold Coast

Being a senior can be a richly rewarding time in life, but it can also be challenging – especially if you’re finding it difficult to do the things you used to.

The good news is that you don’t have to struggle alone. Support is available through government-funded home care services. Whether you need help with the housework, transport to activities or mobility equipment, you can get the support you need to live an independent life.

Home Caring provides professional aged care services on the Gold Coast, so you can enjoy quality of life in your own home. As a registered Gold Coast aged care provider, we provide:

  • Help with personal care tasks (e.g. help with showering, getting dressed and other personal tasks)
  • Housework assistance (e.g. help with cleaning and laundry)
  • Help with grocery shopping
  • Assistance with meal preparation and delivery services
  • Reliable transport to activities and appointments
  • Allied Health therapies, such as physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, podiatry
  • Nursing care at home (e.g. wound management, health monitoring, medication management)
  • 24-hour nursing care
  • Respite care to give family members a break
  • Continence management
  • Social support, outings, and companionship
  • Secure dementia care
  • Home modifications to keep your home safe to live in
  • Mobility aids and assistive technology
  • Exercise classes for better health and wellbeing
  • Garden maintenance and minor home repairs
  • Palliative care and support for families
  • Assistance for mental health and counselling services
  • Health education and wellness programs
  • Cultural and language-specific services

About Us

Home Caring supports seniors on the Gold Coast with quality home care. We provide personalised services that help you live independently in your local community, and enjoy quality of life.

  • Create a care plan that is perfectly tailored to you, and designed to meet your needs.
  • Receive flexible, quality care from a friendly team you can rely on.
  • Our personalised service leaves you feeling valued and empowered in everyday life.
  • Minimal fees means affordable care that makes the most of your government funding.
  • Work with qualified healthcare professionals with experience in a wide range of health conditions.

Our Team

Home Caring’s care team consists of locals from the Gold Coast with plenty of experience providing senior care in the home. Here’s what you can expect from us.

Quality care – we carefully screen our carers so you know they meet the highest standards. We provide excellent customer service that you’ll love.

Experience – our carers and healthcare workers are highly experienced at providing care for a wide range of health conditions

Flexible – As providers of aged care services on the Gold Coast, we provide flexible care that fits in with your timetable and lifestyle, and we’ll adapt as your needs change.

Personal – we’ll take the time to get to know you, hear your story, and understand your needs, so together we can build a partnership based on trust.

Empowerment – you should always be in charge of your care. That’s why we collaborate with you, working with you to deliver care that meets your needs.

Compassion – we love what we do! We provide, compassionate, quality care with heart, treating each of our clients as if they are our own.

Searching for quality My Aged Care providers on the Gold Coast? Home Caring provides in home aged care on the Gold Coast that helps you live as independently as possible. For a free consultation, please get in touch with our customer service team.

Frequently Asked Questions

What aged care options are there on the Gold Coast?
What is a Home Care Package?
How much does a Home Care Package cost?
How do you apply for home aged care services on the Gold Coast?
What should I look for in a Home Care Package provider?
How long will I have to wait for a Home Care Package?
My loved one needs aged care at home. How can I help them?

What aged care options are there on the Gold Coast?

The Australian government provides aged care services to help seniors live happy and healthy lives. These services are provided by trained and qualified carers and healthcare professionals who specialise in senior care. They include a wide range of supports, from personal care and domestic assistance to mobility assistance, aids to help you move safely around the community, and meal services.

The Australian government provides a subsidy for these services, to make it affordable and accessible to as many people as possible. If you are 65 years old or older (or 50 and older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people), you may be eligible to receive government-funded aged care. To find out more, visit the My Aged Care website or call 1800 200 422. The two main types of government-funded aged care you can receive are:

  • Home care – this refers to flexible services that assist people in their own home, such as help with personal care, household chores, transport, clinical care, allied health services, and social activities. The goal is to help seniors to live independently at home, and maintain their lifestyle for as long as possible.
  • Aged care facility – seniors who require a higher level of care can live in residential care or nursing homes. These are care facilities that provide a homelike environment with 24hr onsite staff to provide care for your needs.

The federal government regulates Australia’s aged care services through the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. This independent body monitors the quality of care delivered by providers by conducting audits, assessments and investigations. It also deals with consumer complaints, and provides information and support to people receiving aged care services in Australia.

Need a My Aged Care service provider on the Gold Coast? Looking for aged care package providers on the Gold Coast? We’re happy to help. Home Caring provides a superior standard of quality aged care and disability services in Gold Coast suburbs, so you can enjoy life to the full. To set up a free consultation, please get in touch with our friendly staff.

What is a Home Care Package?

In Australia, government-funded home care is provided to seniors through the Home Care Package program. This program is designed to help older people live independently in their own homes for as long as possible through assistance with various tasks, to make their daily lives easier.

A Home Care Package provides a coordinated range of services that can be tailored to your specific needs. These services can include help with personal care, such as bathing and dressing, household chores like cleaning and cooking, specialised dementia care, allied health programs, transportation to medical appointments, nursing care, physiotherapy sessions, podiatry services, and even social activities to help you make friends and stay engaged with your local community.

The Home Care Package is funded by the government and allows you to have control and choice over the care you receive. Recipients can decide which services they need and how they want them delivered. They can also adapt their services to suit their needs over time, and change levels if they need more intensive care services in the future.

Are you looking for a qualified aged carer is Gold Coast? Home Caring provides individualised care services to help you be independent. To learn more about in house aged care on the Gold Coast, please get in touch with our friendly support staff.

How much does a Home Care Package cost?

Home Care Packages are funded by the Australian government to make them more accessible and affordable for seniors. There are some care payments you may be asked to pay in the form of fees, to contribute to your aged care costs. These fees are:

Basic Daily Fee: this fee applies to all Home Care Package recipients and covers the basic costs of administering the package. The fee is set by the government and is adjusted annually, based on the pension.

Income-Tested Care Fee: this fee is means-tested and is based on an assessment of your financial situation. The government sets annual maximum limits on the amount that can be charged as an income-tested care fee.

Some approved Home Care Package providers may charge a management fee to cover administrative costs related to managing and coordinating the services provided. The amount of this fee can vary between providers, so it's a good idea to ask about any fees charged before signing up with a provider.

Looking for My Aged Care respite on the Gold Coast? Home Caring’s dedicated teams of healthcare professionals and carers provide personalised care you can trust. We provide affordable home care services with minimal fees, so you can get on with enjoying life. To find out more about our aged care services, please get in touch.

How do you apply for home aged care services on the Gold Coast?

To be assessed for a Home Care Package, you need to apply for an ACAT (Aged Care Assessment Team) assessment. This is when an ACAT assessor visits you at home, and chats to you about your needs to assess whether you are eligible for government-funded home care. You can apply for an assessment by visiting the My Aged Care website and filling out a form, or by calling 1800 200 422. You can also have someone do this on your behalf, if you prefer.

After the face-to-face assessment, you will receive a letter or phone call explaining the outcome. If you are eligible for a Home Care Package, you will be assigned a level which indicates the amount of funding you will receive towards your services. You may then have to wait in a national queue, until a package is available to you. In the meantime, you can start looking for a home care provider that best meets your needs.

Looking for quality aged care support services on the Gold Coast? Home Caring offers exceptional My Aged Care packages on the Gold Coast to help you enjoy quality of life in your own home. For more information our services, please get in touch.

What should I look for in a Home Care Package provider?

If you’re new to aged care, choosing the right Home Care Package provider for your needs can seem overwhelming at first. It’s worth doing your research and looking around at your options, so you can choose someone you’re really happy with. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  • Make sure the provider is certified and has experience in offering home care services, so you can have peace of mind knowing you’re receiving safe, quality care.
  • Ask if they offer the daily living services you need and a range of quality health supports, like help with personal care, therapy from allied health professionals, activity programs, or household tasks. Also ask them how they match clients with carers, to ensure a good fit.
  • See if the provider is flexible to your timetable, and can adjust their services to fit your needs and lifestyle choices as they change over time.
  • Look for feedback from other people who have used their services to see if they provide good care.
  • Find out how the provider selects and trains their carers to ensure they are qualified and reliable.
  • Make sure they have good communication and can coordinate with you to deliver quality care. They should be good listeners and open to taking feedback on board. Also ask how they handle any issues or conflicts that may arise during your care.
  • Make sure you understand their fees and billing process, so you know what to expect financially from the provider.
  • Consider if they have experience working with people from different cultures and if they can accommodate your cultural preferences in your journey through care.

Home Caring provides personalised My Aged Care home care packages on the Gold Coast to help you live independently in your own home. If you need aged care services at home on the Gold Coast suburbs, we’re happy to assist. Please get in touch with our aged care consultants for more information.

How long will I have to wait for a Home Care Package?

If you are approved to receive a Home Care Package, you will be notified by mail and placed in a national queue until one becomes available to you. How long it takes to receive your package depends on the level you are on, as those with higher or more urgent needs are prioritised.

If you are a medium priority the expected wait time, according to the My Aged Care website, is one to three months. If you need support sooner, you can apply for a lower level of funding through the Commonwealth Home Support Program. This program provides entry-level services such as personal care, domestic assistance and transport. The amount of support funded is less than what is available through the Home Care Packages program.

Looking for aged care assistance at home on the Gold Coast? Home Caring’s dedicated teams of health care professionals and carers provide personalised aged care home care on the Gold Coast’s suburbs. To find out more about our personalised approach to aged care, please get in touch with our aged care consultants.

My loved one needs aged care at home. How can I help them?

Talking to someone you love about getting support for daily life can be challenging, especially if you haven’t had that conversation before. Here are some tips to help you get started on the right foot.

Have the conversation in a safe and familiar environment. It’s important to choose the right time and place to chat to your loved one about their future. A safe and familiar environment, such as their home, is a good option. Make sure you can be easily heard, everyone is comfortable, and you aren’t likely to be distracted by noise or other activities.

Actively listen to them. Being heard is the greatest gift you can give someone. Ask your loved one to share their feelings and concerns about aged care. As they share, listen attentively without interrupting and try to understand their perspective. It can be helpful to reflect back to them what they’ve shared, to ensure you’re both on the same page.

Share information, if they are interested. Try to do some research beforehand (the My Aged Care website is a good place to start) and share what you've learned about available aged care services. Answer any questions they may have, or point them towards where they can go for more information. Offer to help them research their options, if they are comfortable with you doing so.

Check in with what they want. When it comes to aged care, it’s ultimately their decision to make. Ask your loved one what support they want to receive, and what their priorities are (e.g. would they rather stay at home? Move to an aged care residence or retirement community? Be close to friends and family? Receive care services & support in their own home? Get support from an aged care worker?) Help them make decisions in light of what they value.

Offer ongoing support and love. Remind your loved one that you are here for them, and that you care about them – no matter what they decide. Let them know that they don't have to go through it alone and that you'll be there to support them, in whatever way they prefer.

Looking for aged care on the Gold Coast’s suburbs and beyond? Home Caring provides high quality in house aged care on the Gold Coast suburbs to help you be more independent. To find out more about our care services, please get in touch with our aged care consultants.

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