Home Care Packages Wollongong

Home Care Packages Wollongong

Home Care Packages in Wollongong

Do you want to continue living at home, but need help with everyday tasks?

Home Caring provides personalised Home Care Packages for seniors who value their independence. Meeting the needs of Wollongong locals, our professional aged care workers and nurses will help you with daily tasks, transport and personal care, so you can live happily at home for as long as possible.

We are an approved aged care provider, which means that can use your government-funded Home Care Package to access our wide range of care services.

Home Caring Wollongong provides:

  • Personal care (e.g. help with showering, dressing and grooming)
  • Assistance with household chores
  • Meal preparation and assistance with nutrition and diet
  • Continence management
  • Home modifications to keep you safe
  • Independent living equipment (e.g. continence aids)
  • Mobility equipment (e.g. walkers and mobility scooters)
  • Assistive technology
  • Transportation to appointments and events
  • Social support and companionship
  • Allied health therapies (e.g. physiotherapy, podiatry, occupational therapy)
  • Nursing care at home (e.g. wound care, health monitoring)
  • Garden care and home maintenance
  • Day programs and classes
  • Support to exercise safely
  • Mental health care
  • 24-hour care for complex needs
  • Specialist services for people with dementia
  • Respite care to give family members a break
  • Palliative care

…and more.

About Us

Home Caring provides My Aged Care Home Care Packages in Wollongong for seniors in the local community. With many years of experience providing home care services, we pride ourselves on our excellent service, compassionate support, and professional approach that always puts each client first.

We are:

  • Flexible – our teams can provide support at a day and time that suits you, so you can keep your own schedule and have control over your day.
  • Local – with aged care workers across Australia in regional and major cities, our teams are locally based, so you’re never far away from a professional carer or registered nurse.
  • Multicultural – we provide care for seniors from all cultural backgrounds and circumstances, with bilingual team members who can provide culturally sensitive support.
  • Person-centred – taking the time to get to know you, we provide personalised and empathetic care that is based on your unique needs and circumstances.
  • Best practice – our government-funded services are driven by great outcomes and best practice, setting a high standard for aged care at home.
  • Collaborative – we’ll work with your support network to provide quality care, including your doctors, family members, and other health professionals.
  • Compassionate – we truly care about our clients, and take the time to look after the little things, so you can enjoy quality of life.

Are you looking for Home Care Package providers in Wollongong? We’re happy to help. Home Caring provides high quality support for people who wish to continue living at home, but need help on a regular basis. For a free consultation, please get in touch with one of our team members.

What is a Home Care Package?

A Home Care Package is a government-funded program in Australia that helps seniors maintain their independence and quality of life at home. It provides a range of services to meet the person’s needs, such as personal care, nursing support, mobility support, assistance with household chores, and even social activities. These services are delivered by aged care providers who are registered to deliver home care to a high standard.

The aim of a Home Care Package is to empower seniors to make choices about their care. This means recipients can customise their packages according to the level of care they are eligible for, and create a care plan that truly meets their needs. Your Home Care Package can also adapt as your needs do, providing ongoing assistance to help you stay at home for as long as possible. Accessing home care services can help prevent premature entry into an aged care facility, and ensure a continued connection with your local community. It can also help you stay close to your support network, and enjoy a great quality of life at home.

Do you need help applying for aged care home care packages in Wollongong? Our team of aged care experts is happy to answer any questions that you may have, and guide you through the process. To find out more, get in touch today with our friendly team members.

Frequently Asked Questions

What levels of Home Care Packages do you offer?
Can I choose my own home carer?
What services do you offer for someone with high care needs?
What is the cost of Home Care Packages in Wollongong?
What can a Home Care Package be used for?
How do I apply for a Home Care Package?
What aged care standards does Home Caring meet?
Can I change providers once I’ve signed on with someone?

What levels of Home Care Packages do you offer?

Home Caring provides four different Home Care Package levels in Wollongong, to meet a wide variety of needs and situations. Here’s a brief breakdown of what each Home Care Package level offers.

  • Level 1 Home Care Package this care level is designed to provide basic assistance to seniors who require minimal support for daily life. It includes essential services such as help with domestic tasks, basic personal care, and access to social activities.
  • Level 2 Home Care Package – this care level provides more comprehensive support to seniors with moderate care needs. It includes regular assistance with medication management, greater support with personal care, and allied health services such as physiotherapy, podiatry, and occupational therapy.
  • Level 3 Home Care Package – this care level is suitable for seniors with intermediate to high care needs. It includes specialised nursing care, advanced personal care, home modifications, independent living aids, assistive technology, and increased home support for complex health issues.
  • Level 4 Home Care Package – this is the highest level in the Home Care Package program, and suitable for seniors who have high care needs. It includes 24/7 care, and is designed for individuals requiring a substantial and ongoing level of support to meet complex care requirements.

Do you need a Home Care Package level 3 in Wollongong? Our team of care professionals provide personalised support for seniors who have complex care needs. For a free consultation, please get in touch today with our customer support team. We’re more than happy to help.

Can I choose my own home carer?

Home Caring takes a personalised approach to care, tailoring each of our client’s care plan to suit their unique needs. It’s extremely important to us that you get along with your aged care worker and are supported by someone who you can fully trust. Before you sign on for our services, you’ll have an opportunity to meet our case manager, get to know our team, ask questions, and talk through any issues you may have. You can also meet your carer and chat about the services you require, to see if you’re a good fit.

We take feedback on board, and work hard to provide you with a team that you’re happy with. If at any stage you’re not happy with the services we provide, we’re here to listen and adjust our support accordingly. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we strive to make your home care experience as empowering as possible.

Do you need a level 3 Home Care Package in Wollongong? Home Caring provides personalised care from a dedicated and compassionate team of aged care professionals. To find out more about our support services, please get in touch with our customer support team. We’d love to help.

What home support do you offer for someone with high care needs?

Home Caring provides a wide range of services for seniors who have high care needs, or who have been provided with a level 4 care package in Wollongong. With years of experience providing support for a wide range of chronic diseases and conditions, we provide a high standard of care that takes care of your health at home, while helping you enjoy quality of life – no matter your circumstances.

Our aged care team can provide:

All of our support services are tailored to your personal circumstances. We’ll work with you, or your loved ones, to create a unique care plan that is best suited to your needs and circumstances. For more information about accessing a Home Care Package level 4 in Wollongong, please get in touch with our friendly team.

What is the cost of Home Care Packages in Wollongong?

The cost of a Home Care Package varies depending on your individual financial situation, and the level of care you are eligible for. The Australian government subsidises the Home Care Package program, which means that seniors can access home care for a minimal amount and access the support they need. The amount the government subsidises increases with higher Home Care Package levels.

If you are eligible for a Home Care Package, you may have to make a contribution towards your services. This might take the form of:

  • A basic daily fee – this amount varies depending on your Home Care Package level. The cost of your basic daily fee can change each year, in line with changes to the age pension.
  • An income-tested care fee – you may be asked to contribute this type of fee depending on your financial circumstances. If so, your government subsidy will be reduced by the amount you are assessed as eligible to pay.
  • Any additional fees charged by your home care provider for services.

Home Caring provides affordable and cost-effective in home care packages in Wollongong that make the most of your government funding. We’ll help you use your Home Care Package effectively, so you get the services you need and the most value for money. To find out more about our services, please get in touch with our customer care team. We’d love to help.

What can a Home Care Package be used for?

Depending on the level you are eligible for, a Home Care Package can be used for a wide range of supports, such as:

  • Assistance with personal care activities from aged care workers
  • Meal preparation and assistance with nutrition and hydration
  • Continence management, including catheter use
  • Assistance with mobility and equipment (e.g. walkers and motorised scooters)
  • Support with household chores such as cleaning and laundry
  • Home modifications to help you stay safe
  • Independent living equipment and assistive technology
  • Transport to appointments and grocery shopping assistance
  • Social support and companionship
  • Allied health therapies (e.g. physiotherapy, podiatry, occupational therapy)
  • Nursing services at home, including wound care, health monitoring, and hearing and vision services
  • Garden care and home maintenance
  • Day programs and classes
  • Support to exercise safely
  • Mental health care
  • 24/7 support for complex needs
  • Specialised dementia care

Home Care Packages can’t be used for groceries, utilities, rent or mortgage repayments, day to day bills, discretionary spending and recreation (e.g. club membership tickets) or for holidays.

Need a Home Care Package Level 2 in Wollongong? We’re happy to help. Home Caring provides superior care from local care professionals with years of experience in home aged care. We provide personalised services and client-centred care that help you enjoy quality of life in your community. To find out more, please get in touch with our care team.

How do I apply for a Home Care Package?

To be eligible for a Home Care Package, you must first undergo an assessment by an ACAT (Aged Care Assessment Team) member. You can apply for an assessment online at the My Aged Care website, or you can ask a family member or friend to apply on your behalf. You can also apply for an assessment by calling My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. Whether applying online or over the phone, you’ll be asked questions about your care needs, and whether you give permission to have a personalised client record created for you.

Once you’ve lodged your application, if it looks like you might be eligible for a Home Care Package, an ACAT member will give you call and organise a time to visit you for a face-to-face assessment. During this visit, they will chat to you about your care needs are, and if a Home Care Package is the best fit for you. You’ll also have an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have, and find out more about home care services in your area.

Once you are assessed, a decision will be made about your eligibility to receive a Home Care Package. If you are eligible, you will receive a letter of approval from My Aged Care that includes the level you are approved for, and be placed in a national queue until your Home Care Package is available to you.

If you’ve been approved for a level 3 Aged Care Package in Wollongong, Home Caring can help you out. We provide a wide range of level 3 services, from personal care and nursing support to domestic assistance, transport, allied health therapy, and mobility equipment. To find out more and organise a free consultation, please get in touch with our staff team.

What aged care standards does Home Caring meet?

At Home Caring, we’re committed to providing high quality care that all seniors deserve. To ensure we meet the highest standards, we comply with the Australian Aged Care Quality standards, which clearly express what good care should look like.

To meet these standards, we hire qualified and professional staff, follow due processes, ensure training is up to date, and provide a professional level of service. Whether you need a level 3 Aged Care Package in Wollongong or more basic services, we’ve got you covered. To learn more about Home Caring’s standard of care, please get in touch with our staff team.

Can I change providers once I’ve signed on with someone?

Home Care Packages are designed to put each person at the centre of their support services. This means that you always have a say over who provides you with care, and you can change home care providers at any time, whether you’re moving house, or looking for someone who better meets your needs. Just be sure to check any conditions in your service agreement, such as providing a notice period, or any exit fees that might apply.

Have a home care package level 1 in Wollongong, and looking to switch providers? If you’d like to chat to the Home Caring team about moving from your current provider to our services, please get in touch. We’re more than happy to guide you through the process.

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