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Sensory Garden Could Prove Helpful for Dementia Patients

There are various types of therapies and treatment used for dementia patients in Australia these days, one of which is sensory therapy. This type of therapy was first used in Europe for the treatment of this condition and has since proven very effective in terms of helping patients that suffer from dementia.

As the name suggests, the therapy focuses on the senses in order to stimulate the patient, help them to reconnect with themselves, and even help them recall certain memories that they associate with the stimuli. In fact, sensory therapy for dementia has proven so popular that the beautiful town of Port Macquarie in New South Wales has now created a wonderful sensory garden that could prove ideal for dementia patients.

Great responses from dementia patients

Visitors to the garden who suffer from dementia have reacted positively to the garden and responded well to the variety of stimuli. When they visit, they are able to stroll along winding pathways, take in the fragrance of the gardens along with the natural beauty, touch the textured walls, and even feel the sensation of sand, pebbles, and grass under their feet.

One visitor to the gardens said that the felt really relaxed and peaceful when she was there. She added that the ability to touch, feel, and see different sensory stimuli was hugely important for dementia sufferers. A dementia researcher from the University of Queensland agreed, stating that many studies had shown that there was a relaxation response amongst dementia sufferers when they were immersed in nature. She added that there was evidence that suggested these sensations in a natural environment helped to recall positive memories. The responses from those with dementia have been demonstrated both emotionally and physically.

A popular place for older people 

With one of the highest senior population levels in Australia, Port Macquarie has proven a very popular location for this garden. Many older people have been visiting to enjoy the natural beauty and tranquillity of the gardens.

The dementia-friendly nature of the garden means that it is becoming more and more popular with those that suffer from this condition. Spending just a little time exploring the gardens provides them with the ability to enjoy a range of sensory experiences that are all linked to nature and provide positive stimulation to help them engage with themselves, with nature, and with past memories.

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